To help you make sense of the pandemic, the Task Force works to collect simple, easy-to-understand education resources. Clear and concise, this educational collection can help you make sens of the global pandemic.

Intro to Covid
Learn the Basics
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that infect animals and people. In February 2020, the W.H.O. gave official names to both this virus (SARS-CoV-2, for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) and the disease it causes (Covid-19, for coronavirus disease 2019).
Information about Covid-19 is constantly evolving as medical experts make advancements in research and treatment. If you need an overview of C19, please click the link below to explore some basic facts.
Resources & Information
COVID-19 Education
This collection of articles, infographics, and pamphlets can help you find answers to basic questions relating to health and COVID-19.
Newsletters & Dispatches
Foundation News
See how SCARF and the Task Force are working to support our community in the midst of COVID-19. Explore the Foundation's work, and discover new developments related to research, treatment, and education.
Get Involved
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Play a role in improving community health, and help us connect patients and families to impactful resources and educational programming.